sábado, 19 de marzo de 2011

Body kinetic intelligence

Body kinetic intelligence

The evolution of specialized body movements is of obvious importance for the species, and humans this adaptation extends to the use of tools. The movement of the body follows a clearly defined development in children and no doubt of its cultural universality.

The consideration of kinetic knowledge body as "suitable for solving problems"may be less intuitive, but use the body to express emotion (dance) or compete (sports), or to create (art) is evidence of the scale cognitive body use.

Biological - The control of body movement is located in the motor cortex, and each hemisphere dominates or controls body movements for the side. Right-handers, the domain of this movement is usually placed in the left hemisphere. The ability to perform voluntary movements may be damaged, even in individuals who can execute the same movements reflexively or involuntary. The existence of specific apraxia is a line of evidence for an intelligence body kinetics.

Abilities involved - Ability to perform activities that require strength, speed, flexibility, hand-eye coordination and balance.

Related skills - use your hands to create or make repairs, expressed through the body.


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