domingo, 20 de marzo de 2011

Cleaning and hygiene habits in childhood

Hygiene and babies
Hygiene is a way to stay healthy, healthy. One way to find it. We must pay attention to bodily changes, odors and perspiration. This observation will help us to remove any germs that cause bad odor in our bodies.

Maintaining hygiene is important not only to prevent infection and / or inflammation, and even diseases, as well as to make us feel more confident about ourselves. Income contributes positively to our social life, making others want to be on our side too.


Hygiene and more
The baby bath is a great opportunity for your child to convey feelings of well being. Soaking in warm water relaxes and pleases the baby and do it every day the same time, for example, before dinner, gives the right atmosphere to enjoy a good nights sleep. Take this time to establish a special contact with him, to strengthen your bond.

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