domingo, 20 de marzo de 2011

math games

Mathematics has always had a playful sense. Many of the deep reflections about mathematical problems have been stained by a motivation and an exciting challenge that is fun and sensation seeking and achievement. For Archimedes, Euclid, Leibniz or Einstein mathematics strokes had an adventurous spirit. Mathematics, as are all we know, are clearly drawn in the games and puzzles.
Like math the game is part of life and plays a decisive role in the intellectual development of children. Gambling in children can be serious, and quite tiring hoarder, some games are mocked, others have to do with fantasy, some may be very specific rites, can be an individual or group activity, can be a source of pleasure and great effort or dislike.
The first type of game of the babies is the motor sensory manipulation, as the baby can control his movements and explore the use begins as a game. Sensory motor play can be thumb sucking, kicking the sides of the crib. The games are important because they are the method of exploring new things. Babies play with, manipulate, explore and act but also provide attachment and safety.
There are other games in which children take flight his imagination and fantasy. For children, the objects can become something else: A stick can be a horse and a house four lines, these games have been called symbolic. The games are important for understanding symbolic meanings and are crucial to intelligence and children's relationships with others.

Later games with rules, give a new dimension to the development of intellect and will print a social sense. In these games the children voluntarily accept the rules as conventional limits by submitting to the consequences and rewards of their action. The rules themselves, give structure to the game and increase the challenge.
In conclusion, the game is a mode of action, expression and experience of highly developed and irreplaceable experience for the intellectual development of children. Takes many forms through the stages of life of people and their historical, social and technological.
The game is connected to the toy, a toy can be as small stones, like a stick, a piece of fabric, marbles, a television or computer. The value of the toy and game tool for intellectual development is directly related to the active participation that the child has. If the child operates and builds on it, is more valuable than if the child only passively.


The play and toys are the processes and tools with which children naturally develop your mind. The development of children's intelligence is not to saturate the minds of children with the information that we consider necessary, but encourage the use of their intellectual potential in a gradual manner, respectful and harmonious with natural processes. The game is a real opportunity to gain appropriate thinking skills to solve mathematical problems and mathematical not under a system of logical thought.

Tetrakys is a material that facilitates different forms of games. Children manipulate, symbolically and put into games with rules in group and individual challenges. Tetrakys Play is a way to experience mathematics.


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